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Safeguarding & Child Protection

PREVENT Strategy

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of the UK’s counterterrorism strategy, designed to stop people from becoming involved in or supporting terrorism. It aims to protect individuals from the risks of radicalisation and help them build resilience against extremist views.

The Aims of Prevent

Prevent focuses on three key areas:

  1. Tackling the Causes of Radicalisation: Addressing the social, emotional, and ideological factors that may lead people towards extremist views.
  2. Providing Early Intervention: Offering support to those at risk of radicalisation through programmes like Channel, which provides tailored help to vulnerable individuals.
  3. Rehabilitation: Supporting individuals who have already been involved in extremist activities, helping them to disengage from radical ideologies through Desistance and Disengagement programmes.

The Prevent Duty in Schools

Since 1 July 2015, all schools and childcare providers have been required to uphold the Prevent Duty. This means we have a legal responsibility to safeguard children from the risks of radicalisation, just as we would protect them from other forms of harm such as abuse or neglect.

At Beaford Community Primary and Nursery School, we approach this duty in two key ways:

  • Promoting British Values: We build pupils’ resilience to radicalisation by promoting the core British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values help children understand and challenge extremist views.
  • Creating Safe Spaces for Debate: We encourage open discussions on controversial topics. The Prevent Duty is not about avoiding difficult conversations; instead, we aim to provide a safe environment where pupils can explore different perspectives, understand the risks of terrorism, and develop the critical thinking skills needed to challenge extremist arguments.

How We Protect Against Radicalisation

At Beaford Community Primary and Nursery School, safeguarding children from radicalisation is integrated into our broader safeguarding duties. We do this by:

  • Early Identification: Recognising when a child might be at risk and providing early intervention through appropriate channels, such as the Channel programme.
  • Education and Awareness: Teaching pupils about the dangers of extremist ideologies in a way that is age-appropriate and constructive, helping them to think critically and make informed decisions.
  • Staff Training: All staff receive ongoing training on identifying the signs of radicalisation and how to take action if concerns arise.

What is Channel?

Channel is a voluntary, confidential programme that provides early support to individuals who are identified as being at risk of radicalisation. Channel works with schools, parents, social workers, and other professionals to develop tailored support plans that meet the specific needs of the individual.

For more information on how Channel works, visit the Channel Programme Information.

Building Resilience in Pupils

We encourage our pupils to challenge all forms of extremism through open discussion and education. By promoting British values and encouraging respectful debate, we help children develop the skills they need to identify and reject extremist ideologies.

At Beaford Community Primary and Nursery School, we ensure that pupils have the confidence to express their views and the knowledge to critically assess the information they encounter.

Find Out More

For more information about Prevent and how we protect pupils from the risks of radicalisation, you can read the Prevent Duty Guidance for schools from the UK government here.

If you have concerns about radicalisation or want to learn more about how we implement the Prevent Duty, please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead.