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Curriculum Intent

At Beaford Community Primary & Nursery Academy we aim to build the foundations of life in all its fullness underpinned by our values of wisdom, compassion, justice, service, peace, perseverance, care for creation and hope, where we understand what it means to be loved and to love others within our school and our local, national and global community.

In order to achieve this, we have created a curriculum built on four drivers: Building Learning Power, Building Futures, Building Communities and Building Self-Esteem. It is through our drivers that we seek to raise children's personal aspirations by providing them with the skills, knowledge and understanding to realise their ambitions.  

Through these drivers, we aim to provide an educational experience that is not only academically enriching but also deeply supportive of each child's personal growth and development. Our vision of life, love, and learning to the full is a testament to our commitment to not just educate but to inspire, empower, and prepare our children for a fulfilling life filled with opportunities to learn, love, and contribute to the world around them.

The Big Event curriculum provides opportunities for the children to develop a sense of pride in their locality and at the same time supports them in gaining a secure understanding of other cultures from around the world. Our curriculum is rich, exciting and diverse, but most importantly, it is accessible to all because we ensure all children have the skills they need to engage with their learning at every level.



The Big Event Curriculum provides children with a vast array of learning challenges throughout the academic year that requires them to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively across the curriculum. We work closely with the Team multi-academy trust so children at Beaford are given a wide range of experiences and cultural capital opportunities. 

The cornerstone of our rich, broad and balanced curriculum is excellent teaching. Our teachers are supported by carefully chosen schemes and bespoke curriculum maps designed by experts from across the trust. These ensure the children are taught the discrete skills and knowledge within a subject and there is clear progression year on year.

The curriculum is organised into a two-year rolling programme, adapted to mixed age classes. Each half term there is a curriculum theme through which geography, history  art and design technology are taught. Retrieval is built into the curriculum design through ‘Speak like an expert’ sessions, elicitation tasks and regularly revisiting skills and knowledge from previous lessons.

Beaford adapts to SEND needs based on the child. Most SEND children access the curriculum with adjustments and others have a bespoke curriculum, developed with the SENCO, and catered to their needs. 



The Big Event Curriculum provides children with a vast array of learning challenges throughout the academic year that requires them to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively across the curriculum.


Merging schemes with our own curriculum has meant that we now have a rigorous knowledge and skills framework. Our teachers are able to track children’s progress against the age-related activities which are set and from this can identify their individual needs. We use our evaluations and assessments to regularly update our curriculum maps ensuring that there is good breadth and balance.


Overall, our curriculum provision helps to create engaged, inquisitive, happy children, who work well collaboratively and independently using a broad range of skills, improving vocabulary and academic knowledge.  Children develop aspirations for their futures, and are equipped with the skills, knowledge and vocabulary that enable them to achieve these.